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Tipping Point New Mexico

Aug 30, 2018

Paul and Dowd interview Lucas Puente of regarding their recent survey of small business owners around the nation. New Mexico ranks a disappointing 47th and the City of Albuquerque rates a "D+" up slightly from "D" last year. Aside from our own results, there are interesting data points to consider with...

Aug 28, 2018

Dowd and Paul discuss New Mexico's $1.2 billion surplus and what should be done with the largess. That shifts into a conversation about the Cato Institute's Freedom In the 50 States report which gave New Mexico high marks on personal freedom, but found the State sorely lacking in fiscal restraint and the size of its...

Aug 23, 2018

Paul and Dowd talk free trade with George Mason University economist and prominent blogger Donald Boudreaux. Among the issues discussed are how to think about international trade? What are the benefits to trade? What could happen to the US economy and stock markets if trade is reduced?   

Aug 21, 2018

On this week's podcast Dowd and Paul discuss the "tiny homes" proposal being considered for the homeless in the Albuquerque area. Is this a good idea? What has happened elsewhere this has been tried? Dowd and Paul then briefly discuss the property tax vote in Las Cruces, diversion of state 911 funds during 2016 (while...

Aug 17, 2018

Paul and Dowd discuss the details of both New Mexico gubernatorial candidates education reform ideas. Not surprisingly, there are big differences between Lujan-Grisham’s and Pearce’s plans.  Paul and Dowd offer their analysis and insights on the plans presented as well as ideas about what true reform might look...